little girls laughing at funny parenting quotes
Parenting Quotes

25 Amazing Parenting Quotes to Make You Smile

Parenting is hard work and there are times when it can feel like a never-ending cycle:

  1. Wake Up
  2. Take Care of Kids
  3. Do Work
  4. Take Care of Kids
  5. Eat Food so You Don’t Die
  6. Put Kids to Bed
  7. Fall Asleep 10 minutes Into Netflix show
  8. Check on Kids
  9. Go to Bed
  10. Repeat

As much as you love being a parent, it can be overwhelming at times. It’s exhausting work, day in and day out, with little recognition. You can’t help but feel the effects.

Maybe you get down in the dumps. Maybe your patience grows thin. Or maybe, just maybe, you think you might implode from all the stress.

When I feel like it’s all too much, there’s nothing like a funny line or inspirational bit of text to bring me back to the land of the living.

So, to help put things in perspective, I’ve put together a list of quotes, memes, and jokes on parenting. These are some of my absolute favorites!

I hope they lift your spirits and make you smile, but more importantly, give you the burst of energy you need to keep going.

You’re doing a great job. Hang in there!

25 Amazing Parenting Quotes to Make You Smile

1. Parenting is an adventure – it’s OK to get lost along the way.

Parenting quote by Brene Brown on good parenting and parenting experts.

2. No matter how stressed you are, a listening ear can go a long way.

3. Sometimes, the waters can get rough.

4. Keeping your cool and staying centered will help to ensure you treat your kids with respect, even during discipline.

5. Parenting is 10% teaching and 90% learning.

6. Be the role model you wish you had.

7. Self-acceptance not only makes you a better parent, it models self-love for your children.

Parenting quote from Fred Rogers about good parenting.

8. Be yourself, be genuine, and be kind – your kids will do the same.

9. Before kids, you just don’t know what you don’t know.

10. Parenting – the ultimate sacrifice.

funny parenting quote on losing your freedom as a parent from Ryan Reynolds.

11. Try not to let stigmas get in the way of getting your kids the help they need.

12. Getting centered is easier said than done, but if you don’t do it, then no one (aka your kids) will.

13. You know it all too well: the been-up-all-night-taking-care-of-a-newborn-24/7-for weeks-on-end-weirdness.

14. Being a working parent is tough – but it has its perks.

Parenting quote from Christie Brinkley on being a working mom.

15. It helps to know you are not alone in this wonderful, amazing, exhausting struggle that is parenting.

16. Beware the siblings who suddenly start getting along…

Parenting quote about siblings from Lemony Snicket.

17. “But I’m thirsty, mama.”

18. The role of “New Parent” is an important one, and it can take over for a time. But you are still you – and you don’t need to fulfill your child’s every wish.

19. It’s good to be flexible.

20. Never. Stop. Learning.

Parenting quote on becoming a new parent from Mayim Bialik.

21. There’s nothing like a poopy diaper to awaken the senses.

22. Clive Owen gets it.

Parenting quote on the challenges of parenthood from Clive Owen.

23. When you’ve watched more episodes of Sophia the First than you care to admit.

24. Thankfully, kids don’t stay teenagers forever.

25. Don’t worry about what others think – trust in the knowledge that you’re doing your best. Even if it kills you.

25 Amazing Parenting Quotes to Make You Smile

Hayley Wilds, MA, LPC

Hayley Wilds, MA, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor, certified family-based therapist, art therapist, and sleep-deprived mom, with 20+ years of experience working with parents and families. Hayley is the founder of The Centered Parent, a strength-based parenting blog that delivers reliable info on parenting, self-care, activities for kids, and family bonding.

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