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Best Craft Scissors for Crafty Moms

You are a fun mom. You are unique, one-of-a-kind, and maybe a little eccentric. 🙂 You love to craft and make things. And you like to do it in your own inimitable style. Well, unicorn mom- have I got the crafting tool for you. These rainbow unicorn craft scissors are perfect for your whimsical ways, and just what you need to liven up your craft supplies. Plus, these gleaming scissors are the best craft scissors for all kinds of crafting – sewing, knitting, quilting, you name it! Read the below review to learn more about these fabulous scissors.

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OK, so before reviewing these unicorn scissors, I never thought much about craft scissors. I figured all craft scissors are created equally, right? But now that I’ve tried these craft scissors, I realize I was wrong. So very wrong.

And actually, because of all the snipping, trimming, and cutting that I do during arts and crafts time, I’ve discovered that the look and feel of my crafting scissors really makes a difference!

rainbow unicorn scissors

What’s Special About These Craft Scissors

First and foremost, these rainbow unicorn scissors jumped out at me for purely aesthetic reasons. I mean, they are gleamingly gorgeous.

But then, I ultimately pulled the trigger because these little craft scissors come so highly-rated. When you look at the reviews on Darn Good Yarn, nearly every single customer review is a full 5-star review. Which is awesome.

So, needless to say, I expected to love them. After all, who doesn’t love a rainbow unicorn? But what I didn’t expect was to love how well these scissors function, too!

Rainbow Unicorns Make the Best Craft Scissors

When I look at these scissors, I can’t help but smile. Rainbow unicorns make me happy. And side note, if crafting is part of your self-care routine, then these happy little numbers are definitely only going to enhance the experience!

But there is more to love about these metal craft scissors than just looks alone. Here are a few more reasons to get yourself a pair of these premium scissors:

  • Special rainbow plasma coating
  • Perfect 4-inch size
  • Sharp stainless steel blades
  • Perfect gift for craft lovers
  • Affordable price
  • Durable and easy to use
PHOTO CREDIT: Darn Good Yarn

Why I Love These Craft Scissors

In addition to all of the above, these scissors are a dream to use. They feel comfortable in my hand and they cut with a single snip the first time. When I’m knitting and it’s time to snip the yarn, it’s a clean cut every time.

And when I’m sewing, I keep these scissors handy so I can quickly trim the excess thread from my project. They are just the right size for snipping threads and trimming bits of fabric. The level of control and precision you get with these unicorn scissors is frankly unexpected. 🙂

The weight is just right, too. With lighter-weight, small craft scissors, I usually get annoyed with how they slip across my craft table when I pick them up and put them down in rapid succession. But thanks to their heft, these metal scissors stay right where I set them.

And I know I’ve said it before, but I will say it again – rainbow unicorns make me happy! My daughter loves them, too! (Though she is too young to use them still 🙂 )

For a closer look at these scissors from Darn Good Yarn, check out the video below.

What Customers Are Saying

So as you can see, I love these scissors. And I really believe they are the best small craft scissors money can buy. Plus they are super affordable, too. If you are looking to upgrade your craft scissors, then I highly recommend you get yourself a pair of unicorn scissors from Darn Good Yarn.

rainbow unicorn craft scissors

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here are a few customer reviews from the Darn Good Yarn website to give you a sense of what people like about these metal craft scissors:

unicorn craft scissors review
unicorn craft scissors review
unicorn craft scissors review
unicorn craft scissors review
unicorn craft scissors review
unicorn craft scissors review

rainbow unicorn craft scissors

Thank you so much for reading this review of the rainbow unicorn scissors from Darn Good Yarn. Loved by crafters of all kinds and guaranteed to make you smile. Get yourself or your favorite crafter a pair today! What are you waiting for? Let your unicorn mom flag fly. 🙂

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Hayley Wilds, MA, LPC

Hayley Wilds, MA, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor, certified family-based therapist, art therapist, and sleep-deprived mom, with 20+ years of experience working with parents and families. Hayley is the founder of The Centered Parent, a strength-based parenting blog that delivers reliable info on parenting, self-care, activities for kids, and family bonding.

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